I am a member in the associations, societies, and research groups listed below:
- DSV German Association of Slavicists (Deutscher Slavistenverband)
- GAL Society of Applied Linguistics (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik)
- IGALA International Gender and Language Association
- ÖGGF Austrian Association of Gender Studies (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Geschlechterforschung)
- ÖSV Austrian Association of Slavicists (Österreichischer Slawistenverband)
- Gender Association (Fachgesellschaft Gender e.V.)
- Research Group "Gender and Queer Linguistics" at the Interdisciplinary Research Platform of Gender Studies: Identities – Discourses – Transformations of the University of Innsbruck
- Committee for Sociolinguistics of the International Committee of Slavicists
- Research group on Slavonic Gender and Queer Linguistics